Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (2024)

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (1)

Planning a wedding involves many important decisions, from choosing the venue to selecting the perfect dress. However, one aspect that can often be overlooked is showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses. While it may seem unconventional, including the groom in this decision can add a unique perspective and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the overall aesthetic of the wedding. In this article, we will explore the benefits of involving the groom in the bridesmaid dress selection process and how it can enhance the overall wedding planning experience for both the couple and the bridal party.

PurposeShow the groom the bridesmaid dresses
Groom's involvementActive
Bridesmaid dress styleChosen by the bride
Bridesmaid dress colorChosen by the bride
Groom's input on the dress selectionLimited involvement
Groom's opinion on the dressesUsually not a deciding factor
Frequency of showing the dresses to groomUsually before the wedding
Involvement in bridesmaid dress shoppingGenerally not involved
Importance of groom's opinionVaries for each couple
Traditional or modern approachDependent on the couple's preference

What You'll Learn

  • Reasons to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses
  • Factors to consider when showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses
  • Pros and cons of showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses
  • Alternatives to showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (2)

Reasons to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (3)
Source: cdn.shopify.com

When planning a wedding, it's important to involve both the bride and the groom in making decisions about various aspects of the big day. One area where this collaboration can be particularly helpful is in choosing the bridesmaid dresses. Traditionally, the bridesmaids' dresses were kept secret from the groom until the wedding day, but there are several reasons why it's a good idea to involve the groom in the process. By showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses ahead of time, you can ensure color coordination, seek the groom's opinion, and create a cohesive wedding aesthetic.

Ensuring color coordination

One of the main reasons to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses is to ensure color coordination with the groomsmen's attire and overall wedding theme. It’s essential to consider how the bridesmaid dresses will complement the groom's suit or tuxedo. By showing the groom the dresses, he can provide input on the colors and patterns of the gowns, making it easier to coordinate the entire wedding party's look. You want the bridesmaids' dresses to harmonize with the groomsmen's suits, so the overall aesthetic is visually pleasing.

Seeking the groom's opinion

Getting the groom's opinion on the bridesmaid dresses is a great way to involve him in the wedding planning process. Often, bridesmaids' dresses have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the wedding party, and the groom's feedback can help ensure that everyone looks and feels their best. By discussing the dresses with the groom, you can get his input on the style, length, neckline, and other important details. His opinion matters as it will contribute to the overall atmosphere and ambiance of the wedding.

Creating a cohesive wedding aesthetic

A wedding is a celebration of love and a reflection of the couple's unique style. By involving the groom in the selection of the bridesmaid dresses, you can create a cohesive wedding aesthetic that represents both the bride and the groom's tastes and preferences. The bridesmaid dresses should complement the bride's gown and the overall theme of the wedding, so everyone feels like they belong in the same event. Showing the groom the dresses will ensure that they fit in with the overall vision for the wedding day.

Furthermore, by involving the groom in the bridesmaid dress selection, you can guarantee that the entire wedding party looks well-coordinated and visually appealing in photographs. These photos will be cherished for years to come, and having everyone beautifully dressed will make them even more special.

In conclusion, showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses ahead of time is a thoughtful and strategic choice when planning a wedding. It allows for color coordination, provides an opportunity for the groom to express his opinion, and ensures a cohesive wedding aesthetic. By involving both the bride and groom in the decision-making process, the wedding day will be a true representation of their love and style. So don't hesitate to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses and create unforgettable memories together.

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Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (4)

Factors to consider when showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (5)
Source: lauraandleighbridal.com

Showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses is an important decision that should be approached with careful consideration. There are several factors to consider when it comes to timing and the surprise factor, the groom's level of involvement in wedding planning, and the bride and groom's communication style and preferences.

Timing and Surprise Factor: It's essential to choose the right time to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses. Ideally, this should be done before the wedding day, but not too far in advance. It can be an exciting surprise for the groom, so consider scheduling a special moment to reveal the dresses. For example, plan a romantic dinner or a date night and surprise the groom with a mini fashion show featuring the bridesmaids in their dresses. This can create a memorable and intimate moment between the bride and groom.

Groom's Level of Involvement in Wedding Planning: The groom's level of involvement in wedding planning can greatly affect whether or not he should be shown the bridesmaid dresses. If the groom has been actively participating in the wedding planning process and has expressed interest in the overall look and theme of the wedding, it may be appropriate to involve him in the decision-making process. This can give him a sense of ownership and involvement in the wedding, ensuring that both the bride and groom's preferences are represented.

Bride and Groom's Communication Style and Preferences: Each couple has their own unique communication style and preferences, and this should be considered when showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses. Some couples prefer to make decisions together, while others may have a more traditional approach where the bride makes the majority of the decisions. It's crucial to have open and honest communication with your partner to determine how involved they want to be in the decision-making process. Additionally, consider their personal preferences. Some grooms may have strong opinions about the bridesmaid dresses, while others may be more laid-back and trust the bride's judgment. Understanding their communication style and preferences can help you navigate the process smoothly.

In conclusion, when showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses, it's important to consider the timing and surprise factor, the groom's level of involvement in wedding planning, and the couple's communication style and preferences. By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure that the groom's input is valued and that the decision-making process is a positive and enjoyable experience for both partners.

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Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (6)

Pros and cons of showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (7)
Source: i.pinimg.com

When it comes to wedding planning, one decision that couples often grapple with is whether or not to involve the groom in choosing the bridesmaids' dresses. While there are both pros and cons to consider, it ultimately boils down to personal preference. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses, so you can make an informed decision.


Establishing a shared vision:

By involving the groom in the process of choosing bridesmaid dresses, you can ensure that both of you are on the same page when it comes to the overall wedding vision. This collaborative approach will help you select dresses that complement the bridal gown and the overall theme of the wedding. By sharing your ideas and preferences, you can create a cohesive and harmonious look.

Alleviating stress:

Wedding planning can be stressful, and having an extra pair of eyes and opinions can help distribute the workload and alleviate stress. Showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses will give him an opportunity to be involved and contribute to the decision-making process. His input may bring fresh perspectives, reducing the burden solely on the bride.

Promoting inclusivity:

Involving the groom in the bridesmaid dress selection can promote inclusivity and make the bridesmaids feel valued. It shows that their opinions matter and that their role in the wedding is important to both the bride and groom. This collaborative approach will help foster a sense of unity and create a bond within the bridal party.


Spoiling the surprise:

One of the downsides of showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses is that it may spoil the surprise factor. If you're aiming for a traditional wedding with an element of surprise, involving the groom in the process may take away the excitement of seeing the bridesmaids' dresses for the first time during the wedding ceremony.

Potential disagreements:

When two people are involved in decision-making, there is always the possibility of disagreements. The groom may have different tastes or opinions regarding the bridesmaid dresses, which can lead to conflicts and added stress. It's important to have open communication and compromise to ensure both parties are satisfied with the final decision.

Added pressure on decision-making:

Choosing bridesmaid dresses can already be a daunting task, and involving the groom may add an additional layer of pressure. His approval or disapproval may amplify the bride's indecisiveness or make her second-guess her choices. It's crucial to strike a balance between seeking the groom's input and maintaining autonomy in decision-making.

Ultimately, deciding whether or not to show the groom the bridesmaid dresses is a personal choice. It's important to consider your individual circ*mstances, preferences, and wedding dynamics. If you do choose to involve the groom, remember to maintain open and honest communication, be willing to compromise, and keep the focus on creating a wedding that reflects both of your visions. By working together, you can ensure that the bridesmaid dresses are a perfect addition to your special day.

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Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (8)

Alternatives to showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (9)
Source: urbanweddingcompany.co.uk

When it comes to wedding planning, one of the exciting yet challenging tasks for a bride is selecting the bridesmaid dresses. While traditionally, brides would show their preferred dresses to the groom, modern brides have started exploring alternatives to this tradition. This article will explore three alternative ways to involve the bridesmaids in the dress selection process while keeping the groom's preferences in mind.

Sharing color swatches or inspiration boards:

Instead of showing the dresses outright to the groom, consider sharing color swatches or inspiration boards with the bridesmaids and the groom separately. Color swatches can be obtained from a local fabric store or even downloaded online. These swatches can be attached to a piece of cardstock or stored in a small envelope. Sharing these swatches allows the bridesmaids to get a sense of the color palette you have in mind without revealing the actual dresses. This alternative approach respects the groom's desire to keep the dresses a surprise while still giving the bridesmaids a visual reference to work with.

Collaborating on overall wedding theme and vibe:

Instead of focusing solely on the bridesmaid dresses, collaborate with the bridesmaids and the groom on the overall wedding theme and vibe. Start by discussing the venue, the decorations, and even the groomsmen's attire. Establishing a cohesive look and feel for the wedding will naturally guide the bridesmaid dress selection process. Set up a group chat or a virtual meeting to brainstorm ideas and share inspiration photos. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone has a say in the overall aesthetics of the wedding while still keeping the groom's preferences in mind.

Trust the bridesmaids' fashion sense while keeping the groom's preferences in mind:

If you trust your bridesmaids' fashion sense, consider giving them more autonomy in selecting their own dresses within certain parameters. For example, you could provide guidelines such as a specific color or length, or even a preferred fabric. Ask the bridesmaids to share their dress options with you before making the final decision. This way, you can ensure that the dresses align with your wedding vision and take the groom's preferences into account. Additionally, you can provide feedback and suggestions to guide the bridesmaids in making their choices.

In conclusion, there are several alternatives to showing the groom the bridesmaid dresses that keep the groom's preferences in mind. Sharing color swatches or inspiration boards allows the bridesmaids to get a sense of the color palette you have in mind without revealing the actual dresses. Collaborating on the overall wedding theme and vibe involves the bridesmaids and the groom in the decision-making process, ensuring a cohesive look and feel. Lastly, trusting the bridesmaids' fashion sense while providing guidelines allows them to choose dresses within certain parameters. By incorporating these alternatives, you can create a memorable and stylish bridal party while maintaining the element of surprise for the groom.

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Frequently asked questions

No, traditionally the groom should not see the bridesmaid dresses before the wedding. It is considered bad luck for the groom to see the dresses or any of the wedding attire before the ceremony.

The tradition of the groom not seeing the bridesmaid dresses beforehand is rooted in superstition. It is believed that seeing the dresses or any wedding attire before the ceremony can bring bad luck to the marriage. The element of surprise is also important, as the groom should be seeing the bridesmaid dresses for the first time on the wedding day, along with the rest of the guests.

While it is not necessary for the groom to be surprised by the bridesmaid dresses, it is a common tradition that many couples choose to uphold. The surprise factor adds to the excitement and anticipation of the wedding day. However, every couple is different and may choose to break this tradition if it doesn't hold personal significance for them.

Yes, the bride and groom can decide together on the bridesmaid dresses if they wish. It is ultimately up to the couple to decide how involved they want to be in the process of choosing the bridesmaid dresses. Some couples prefer to have a cohesive wedding aesthetic and may want to have input on the dresses, while others may leave that decision solely to the bride and her bridesmaids.

Exploring The Tradition: Should The Groom See The Bridesmaid Dresses Before The Wedding? (2024)


Should the groom see the bridesmaid dresses? ›

Tradition says

Some couples say no – especially those who aren't superstitious. Seeing each other in your outfits before the wedding ceremony will not affect your marriage, so why wait? Others believe it increases the suspense, anticipation, and excitement of the day. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer.

Should the groom see the dress before the wedding? ›

Do You Want to Surprise your Fiancé? It's customary for the bride to keep the wedding dress hidden from the groom's sight until she walks down the aisle, so If the element of surprise is important to you, having your fiancé at the appointment may take away from it.

Is it bad luck of the groom sees the wedding dress? ›

It's Nothing but a Wedding Superstition

It's fun, romantic, surprising, and lovely to keep the bridal dress and final look from the groom until the ceremony. However, it is not a stroke of bad luck or misfortune for the future if you two choose to have a first look for example.

Should bridesmaids see a wedding dress? ›

Who is traditionally allowed to see the bride's dress before her wedding? Her mother and her bridesmaids.

Why can't the groom see the dress before the wedding? ›

This practice emerges from pre-18th century time, when it was common place for pre-arranged marriages. It was deemed "unlucky" for a bride and groom to see one another. This was an attempt to keep the groom from backing out of the wedding upon seeing his unidentified bride to be prior to the ceremony.

Does the bride and groom pay for bridesmaid dresses? ›

According to traditional wedding etiquette, in the US and Australia, each member of the bridal party— including bridesmaids, Maid of Honor, Matron of Honor, and Mother of the Bride and Groom—is expected to cover the cost of their wedding day ensemble.

Is the groom supposed to look down the aisle? ›

Tradition states that you must not see your better half until the time you walk down the aisle and if you do it is looked as bad luck. Nowadays most couples are saying no to this tradition and choosing that before the ceremony they meet in a romantic private setting and see each other.

Do the bride and groom stay together the night before the wedding? ›

The big decision lots of couples are asking themselves is whether to spend it together or stick to tradition and sleep apart. It really is entirely up to you. There isn't a rule that says you have to but here's what's most important: that you relax. You'll want to rest up so you're totally prepared for your wedding.

Who should see the bride's dress? ›

Chances are, they won't like the same gown/s as you. And they will let you know. Our rule of thumb: bring whoever is paying for the gown (mom, sister) and immediate family only (sisters and mom and/or grandma). For everyone else, we suggest doing a fun dinner or brunch afterwards and you can show them pictures, etc.

What is the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride? ›

No Peeking. You've probably heard that it's bad luck to see your fiancé on the wedding day before your ceremony. The reason being that, back when marriages were arranged, the bride and groom weren't allowed to see or meet each other at all until they were at the altar.

What happens if the groom sees the brides dress? ›

Depends on your culture/ethnicity/religion. Jewish brides see their grooms before the actual wedding at the veiling ceremony. Most Christian brides think it's bad luck for their grooms to see their dress before they come down the aisle. Other cultures have other traditions!

Why do grooms cry when they see the bride? ›

For any groom, once he spots his bride, he remembers all the challenges they went through together and he is amazed that his dreams of getting married are finally being actualized. Although men generally don't cry as often, there are still many who aren't afraid to express their emotional side.

How many months before your wedding should you get your bridesmaid dresses? ›

When to Order Bridesmaid Dresses. About six months before the wedding, you'll need to make a final decision on the bridesmaid dress (or dresses) that you want your girls to wear. It usually takes between two and three months for dresses to arrive, so you need to leave enough time for alterations.

How long before a wedding should you get bridesmaid dresses? ›

In general, you should shop about six months out to allow for the order to arrive and any alterations needed. If you have a shorter timeline, shop our ready-to-ship bridesmaid dresses that will ship to you in just a few days!

Is it okay to wear the same color as the bridesmaids to a wedding? ›

The colour scheme, when it comes to what to wear, is designed for the bridal party i.e. the groom, groomsmen, bridesmaids, pageboys etc. Unless you're in that bridal party, you'd be best to steer clear of trying to match them.

What does the groom do when he goes under the bride's dress? ›

The groom removes the bride's garter with his hands or maybe his teeth—the moment can be as flirty and raunchy as you feel comfortable with!

Is the groom supposed to show up at the bridal shower? ›

Should my fiancé attend the entire bridal shower? If you're hosting a couples' shower, you should both be in attendance throughout the event. Otherwise, it's expected that if your fiancé shows up, it'll be toward the end of the event.

Should the father of the bride see the dress? ›

A Dad First Look can be done anyway you'd like, but typically your dad will stand with his back turned to his daughter, the bride. Then, the bride will walk up behind him, tap him on the shoulder, and he will turn around and see his little girl all dressed up in her wedding dress.

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